Giving a new lease of life to equipment that is still technically viable
It is in this eco-responsible spirit that EXAION, Group Support Services and the DSIT-EDF have decided to take over several R&D machines,including two supercomputers.
To do this, it was necessary to erase the data on the machines, some of which were sensitive, using an ANSSI-certified erasure solution. To carry out these procedures of an exceptional volume (some 4600 hard disks), EXAION relied on a company specialized in this activity. Moreover, this company promotes particularly the employment of people with disabilities.
This desire to reuse equipment goes hand in hand with the concern for intelligent consumption of computing resources, particularly electricity, by activating resources only when they are needed, which is rather exceptional when working on supercomputing nodes. Furthermore, EXAION significantly reduces its computing power when the electricity mix is too carbon intensive.
Reusing equipment, having an intelligent consumption of computing and electrical resources, helping to integrate people with disabilities…. An eco-responsible and societal top-three!
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G2S is proud to support EXAION in its projects. Find more information about EXAION’s activity on their website.